The more widespread they are, the more possibilities we have. Examples:


 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en PHP

PHP language

PHP is primarily focused on server-side scripting, so it can do anything that another CGI program can do, such as collect data from forms, generate pages with dynamic content, or send and receive cookies.

 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en Javascript

Javascript language

JavaScript is a programming language that developers use to make web pages interactive. From updating social media feeds to displaying interactive maps and animations, JavaScript features can enhance a website's user experience.

 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en WordPress

Wordpress Tool

WordPress is a web content management system (CMS or content management system), which in a nutshell is a system for publishing content on the web in a simple way. It is so common now that it is the absolute leader worldwide for the creation of websites for many years.

 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en Bootstrap

Bootstrap Framework

Bootstrap is a front-end framework used to develop web applications and mobile first sites, that is, with a layout that adapts to the screen of the device used by the user.

 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft that can be used on Windows as well as macOS and Linux. Furthermore, it is an open-source editor whose code is available on GitHub.

 Deluskanon desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles en flutter

SDK Flutter

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross-platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. It was developed as software for internal use within the company but they saw the potential it had and decided to release it as an open source project.

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